Meet Our Team

Co-Founder &
Nurse Practitioner
Elaine Guiang, FNP-C

Co-Founder &
Practice Manager
Emilee Catelo

Ben Vargas

Doctor of Nursing Practice
Jeoffrey Tinapay, DNP, APRN, NP-C

A Note From Elaine:

Welcome everyone!

Thank you for visiting our website and for taking a moment to get to know us!

Aside from my educational and professional background, I am an ordinary person just doing life! I've had my own struggles with chronic, debilitating pain from endometriosis for many years, and have experienced first-hand how nutrition and lifestyle can greatly impact your health. After multiple failed treatments and surgeries, I discovered another way – a way that worked for me. Through the compassionate care of my naturopathic and functional medicine providers, as well as my bioenergetic practitioner, l've been able to uncover many missing pieces to help me come closer to true healing. I continue on my journey to wellness to this day, except I am a stronger person now, and view health and the world through a different lens. With new insights and wisdom gained over the last decade, I have confidence that my path forward will only bring about the best version of myself–and I want the same for you!

The world is embarking on a great transformation as a whole. The global pandemic has, in some ways, propelled this transition even further. More and more people are becoming aware, enlightened, and empowered that true healing and happiness do not come solely from a pill bottle or surgery.  It comes from the ongoing willpower and inspiration to practice long-term, healthy lifestyle changes to help your body tap into its innate healing capacity.  Whether that is through proper nutrition, increased physical activity, improving your sleep, or connecting more–with nature, with others, or with “yourself” through journaling or meditation, the time is now – to get quiet, go within, and listen to your intuition. What are the circumstances that lead you to your state of health today? What is it that you want more of in life, but you’re held back by your own chronic physical, mental, or emotional conditions? What inspires and motivates you to make better decisions to heal or prevent the development of chronic disease? Whether it be your loved ones, your destined purpose, or the desire to “just feel good”, if you give your mind and body what it needs, it will heal.  For most, true healing takes time and is not linear. There will be ups and downs along the way, but putting in the work little by little each day will eventually produce amazing results that you never thought could be possible. It can be as simple as starting by shifting your mindset and visualizing the desired outcome in great detail. Never forget to celebrate even the little wins!

Breaking away from the corporate model and taking the plunge to practice independently is an absolute dream come true as it affords me the autonomy to practice in my own, unique way. I would be honored to be your guide on your health and wellness journey to help you become the best version of yourself as well. I commit to meeting you wherever you are on your path, and to carefully take the time to listen and learn your own story to help you formulate a plan to reach your wellness goals.  I don’t presume to know all the answers, or guarantee a perfect outcome, or that my way is the “right way”, but I am confident that together we can get you closer to achieving optimal health.

It has brought me so much joy to see my patients improve their health through my influence and ongoing partnership. My own arduous journey has shed light on my purpose in this lifetime—I believe I am here to help raise the collective consciousness to hone in on the innate power of the mind and body to not only survive, but thrive, and find the beauty and hope in a world that, at times, may seem unfair.  It is through my lifelong education and personal experiences, as well as my empathic nature and trusted intuition that will enable me to carry out this mission. Whether I ultimately accomplish that on a large or small scale, it will be worth every breath.

If you feel you aren’t getting the support you need to reach your goals, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. I look forward to meeting you!

With Love and Gratitude,

Empowering seniors to live healthier & happier lives

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